
Ok I know that checklists make things easier, but I am starting to tire of all the different ones out there. Is there anyone out there making the truly ULTIMATE checklist. I really want to find the right list and just get this thing right. If I have to dealing with anohter one I am going to jump. I want to just have one that will work and then be done with it.

So what do I do:
1. Eat food. Check !
2. Ummmmmmm. Check!

Ok, does anyone have a checklist I can use?

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One Response to Checklists!

  1. Nizzy says:

    I love lists. My ultimate checklist consists of 31 things or topics that are important to me. One for everyday of the month. I also love springpad and use it to keep up with just about everything: Tasks, Notes, Bookmarks, Books, Products, Checklists, Recipes, etc.

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